Your property in good hands
Condominium ownership
Condominium management is an exciting and challenging task. The task is to unite the different interests, views and personal viewpoints of several owners into meaningful and supported solutions. Property management, chairing owners’ meetings, interpreting the usage and management regulations as well as accumulating and utilising the renewal fund require sound knowledge, knowledge of the legal basis and psychological skills. As a member of the Swiss Homeowners Association (HEV Schweiz), we manage your property with sensitivity and personality. Our focus is based on attention,targeted and sustainable property management, simply because it is not Sufficient to just manage a property. That is why we take special care to provide individualised advice to each owner.
We offer you the following services based on property management:
Administrative management
- Invoicing and collection of ancillary operating costs and renewal funds (excluding debt collection)
- Payment of all invoices incurred
- Preparation of the management accounts with balance sheet and income statement as well as allocation of the common costs to the individual condominium owners
- Management of the renewal fund
- Preparation of the annual budget
- Convening and chairing the annual ordinary owners’ meeting
- Drafting the minutes of the annual ordinary owners’ meeting
- Accounting for the social benefits of the caretaker and cleaning service and preparing the salary statement
- Concluding, renewing and terminating building insurance contracts on behalf of condominium owners
- Reporting claims to the condominium owners building insurance company
- Managing existing service contracts and concluding new service contracts
Purchasing heating energy - Storage of justification documents, regulations, minutes, etc. in connection with the property in accordance with legal requirements
Technical administration
- Appointment and introduction of the janitor to the area of responsibility based on the specifications
- Supervision of the property and cooperation with the janitor (janitor to be provided by condominium owners)
- Implementing the decisions of the community
- Awarding contracts to qualified tradesmen, contractors and suppliers for preventive and necessary repairs and maintenance within the scope of the authority limit
- Canceling the locking plan and ordering keys for the locking systems